
The digital environment constitutes a brand new scenario in which research, reading and writing will be developed in the future. Its nature, wildly different to that typical from the environment created by the printing press, will certainly modify the work methods of both authors and scientists, as well as our intellectual behaviour, and the way in which our ideas are argued. Writing and reading are human activities since immemorial times. This fact has led us to forget that they are an invention; they are technology, a simple one, but not something natural or spontaneous at all, as it is evident by the long time that is necessary to dedicate to their understanding in our education. The digital environment provides us with both a new office and a new market; though it still may be too early to see it, new forms of authorship, writing and digital erudition are being created. El entorno digital constituye el nuevo escenario en que se ha de desarrollar la investigaci車n, la lectura y la escritura en el futuro. Su naturaleza, profundamente distinta de la que es propia del entorno que se cre車 con la imprenta, modificar芍 con toda seguridad las formas de trabajo de los autores y estudiosos, las pr芍cticas intelectuales y la manera en la que se argumentan las distintas exposiciones. La escritura y la lectura son actividades humanas que, debido a su ejercicio ya inmemorial, nos han hecho olvidar su condici車n de invento, de tecnolog赤as, simples pero nada naturales ni espont芍neas, como lo prueba el hecho del mucho tiempo que hay que dedicarles en la educaci車n. El entorno digital nos dota, a la vez, de un nuevo escritorio y de un nuevo mercado: aunque a迆n es pronto para verlo, se est芍n creando nuevas formas de autor赤a, de escritura y de erudici車n digital.