Avanˋos nos materiais e no tratamento endovascular de oclusˋes arteriais crˋnicas totais: um relato de caso

作者:Neves; Daniel Queiroz; Cunha Junior; Jorge Ribeiro da; Cardoso; Marcio Cerbazzi Tavares; Lima; Mauro Henrique de; Solano; Gustavo Petorossi; Chouin; Celso Luis Muhlethaler; Azevedo; Sergio Lopes de; Reis; Paulo Eduardo Ocke
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2012.


chronic arterial occlusions with great calcium component are usually a factor of limitation to endovascular treatment to the difficulty to transpose these lesions with guidewires and catheters commonly used. we reviewed the literature and described a case of endovascular treatment of a total occlusion of external iliac artery, where the use of new materials developed specifically to the treatment of such injuries was critical to the success of the case.
