
Measurement of the activities of uranium (238U, 234U) and of Isotopic ratio 234U 238U in natural water samples in Morocco using spectrometry alpha In this work, specific activities of 234U and 238U and isotopic activity ratios have been measured for 68 natural water samples collected from 5 principal sources of water in Morocco: Wells (18 samples), springs (17 hot spring water samples and 7 cold spring water samples), rivers (13 samples), lakes (5 samples) and tap water (8 samples). These samples have been collected in Moroccan regions characterized by various geology, different socio-economical activities. The obtained results have allow us to establish general tendencies of measured parameters repartition in sources of the analysed waters. This tendency is clear for hot springs where activities of uranium are relatively low and 234%26U/238%26U activities ratios are important. This is due to temperature and oxydoreduction conditions of waters that are favourable in particularly to 234U solubility. The results so-obtained are comparable to those habitually found in natural waters in different regions of world and show that there is no radioactive pollution in these waters
