purpose: to evaluate partial or total ischemia, through ligature with an unabsorbed thread of vessels from the vermiform appendix of rabbits, as well as the mechanical obstruction, through ligature with an unabsorbed thread at the basis of the vermiform appendix, at 1 cm from the cecum, of the acute appendicitis disease. to evaluate the histology of the appendix ( normal and affected ). to study the bacterium flora resident in the vermiform appendix (normal and affected) and the exudates peritonitis. methods: seventy- two male rabbits ( oryctogalus cuniculus ), from new zealand lineage were used, weighing approximately 3,000 grams. the animals were divided into: pilot ( a ), bacterium flora ( b ), control ( h ) and experimental ( c, d, e, f and g ) groups, and were observed in periods of 96 and 192 hours. it was done the ligature with an unabsorbed thread of vessels from the meso appendix, and the base of the appendix within 1 cm from the cecal. in the ( c ) experimental group, the mechanical obstruction was carried out. in the (d, e, f and g) experimental groups, the ischemic model was used, and in the ( h ) control group, only the surgical simulation was done. results: in the control group ( h ), the acute appendicitis didn%26apos;t happen. in the experimental group ( c, d, e, f and g ) the acute appendicitis happened. conclusion: the method used causes acute appendicitis with distinct anatomopathological alterations. the main bacteria found at the physiological flora of the enteric juice from the vermiform appendix and at the exudates peritonitis was the escherichia coli.