
A digestibilidade ileal aparente (DIA-PB) e verdadeira (DIV-PB) da prote赤na bruta (PB) foram determinadas em frangos de 39 dias de idade sob 4 dietas 角 base de milho e farelo de soja com n赤veis de PB variando entre 19,8 e 23,5% (4 repeti es de 8 frangos/sexo/dieta). As aves receberam as dietas com 0,25% 車xido de cromo em quatrorefei es di芍rias, sendo abatidas entre 2 e 4 horas ap車s o in赤cio da 迆ltima refei o. A perda end車gena de PB foi obtida pelo intercepto da regress o linear entre o consumo de alimento e a quantidade de PB colhida no 赤leo. A digestibilidade aumentou linearmente com o aumento na PB, com coeficientes de regress o e de varia o (CV%) menores para DIV-PB (1,8*PB + 36,3; r2=0.97; P%26lt;0,02; CV%=2,9) que para DIA-PB (3,3*PB + 0,9; r2=0,99; P%26lt;0,01; CV%=3,7). A metodologia foi eficiente para determina o da DIV-PB em frangos. A DIA-PB superestimou o efeito do n赤vel diet谷tico de prote赤na. Crude protein apparent ileal digestibility (DIA-PB) and true ileal digestibility (DIV-PB) were determined in 39 day old broilers on four corn-soybean meal diets with 19.8 to 23.5% crude protein content (4 replicates of 8 birds/sex/diet). Diets contained 0.25% chromium oxide and were given in four daily meals. Birds were sacrificed between 2 and 4 hours after the start of the last meal. Endogenous protein loss was obtained as the intercept of the linear regression between the feed intake and the protein collected in the ileum. A linearincrease in digestibility with dietary protein level increment was observed. Lower coefficients of variation (CV%) and of regression were observed with DIV-PB (1.8*CP + 36.3; r2=0.97; P%26lt;0.02; CV%=2.9) than with DIA-PB (3.3*CP + 0.9; r2=0.99; P%26lt;0.01; CV%=3.7). Studiedmethodology was efficient to determine true ileal digestibility in broilers. Apparent ileal digestibility overestimated the effect of dietary crude protein level.
