
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a melhor forma de c芍lculo e de adi o de f車sforo ao solo, com e sem amontoa, visando ao aumento da produtividade do milho Superdoce &Aruba* e da renda do produtor. O total de tratamentos do experimento foi 12, formado a partir do fatorial 2 (formas de c芍lculo: convencionalCC e propostoCP) x 3 (formas de adi o ao solo: em linhaAl, em faixaAF e no canteiroAC)x 2 (sem e com amontoa), arranjado no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com 4 repeti es. O n迆mero total de espigas e o n迆mero de espigas n ocomerciais foram significativamente maiores onde se fez AL e amontoa, em rela o a onde n o se fez amontoa. Os custos de produ o no CC foram de R$ 1.315,90 ha1 e R$ 1.456,90 ha1, com e sem amontoa, respectivamente, independentes da forma de adi o. No CP, os custos variaram entre R$ 1.063,00 ha1, com a AL e sem amontoa, e R$ 1.377,30 ha1, com a AC e com amontoa. As rendas no sistema de CC foram negativas, com valores entre R$ 204,70 ha1 e R$ 545,70 ha1,quando se fez AL, sem e com amontoa, respectivamente. No CP, a varia o da renda foi entre R$ 292,30 ha1, na AF com amontoa, e R$ 274,90 ha1, na AC e sem amontoa. This article aims to determine the best way to calculate and to add phosphorus to the soil, with or without hilling, in order to increase the yield of &Aruba* super sweet corn and the income for the producer. The total of the experiment treatments were twelve, established by 2 (way of calculation: conventionalCC and proposedCP)x 3 (ways of addition to the soil: in lineAL, in stripAS and in plotAP) x 2 (with or without hilling) factorial scheme arranged in acompletely randomized block design with four replications. The total number of ears and the number of noncommercial ears were significantly higher on phosphate fertilization in row and in hilling compared to without hilling. Costs of yield by CC were of R$ 1,315.90and R$ 1,456.90 per hectare, with and without hilling, respectively, independent of the way of addition. As for CP, costs varied between R$ 1,063.00 with AL and without hilling, and R$ 1,377.30 per hectare with AP and with hilling. Incomes in system CC were negative, with values between R$ 204.70 and R$ 545.70 per hectare, when AL was done, with and without hilling, respectively. In CP, the variation of income was between 每 R$ 292.30, for AS with hilling, and R$ 274.90 per hectare, for AP without hilling.
