Exposure Analysis of Excipients in Neonate Patients in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit [药用辅料在新生儿重症监护室患儿中的暴露分析]

作者:Ni Y.-H.; Zhu Z.-Y.; Gao P.; Zhang S.-Y.; Xia J.-F.; Li Y.-H.; Huang L.; Wang H.-J.; Lin H.-J.; Fang L.*
来源:Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal, 2021, 56(15): 1255-1259.


OBJECTIVE: To describe the exposure to the excipients in the neonatal intensive care unit of a class A teaching hospital in China. METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study recorded all neonates in neonatal intensive care unit in 2017. The following information was extracted from the hospital medical records: demographic data and prescriptions for all drugs. RESULTS: A total of 627 subjects with 17 640 prescriptions were collected. Water for injection was the most common excipient, followed by sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide. Sixteen of 238 drugs(6.7%) were involved in harmful excipients and propylene glycol was the most common harmful excipient in these drugs. Propylene glycol, methylparaben and polysorbate 80 were the three most common harmful excipients exposed to 90.4%, 84.7%, and 82.1% of neonates, respectively. Methylparaben was the most prescribed harmful excipient in medication orders, followed by propylene glycol and polysorbate 80. There was no significant difference of the exposure rate of harmful excipients among infants with different birth weights. CONCLUSION: Harmful excipients exposures are common among neonates in neonatal intensive care unit. Future researches should evaluate the daily dose and cumulative dose of harmful excipients.
