
dilatable or complacent hymen is defined as that which can be stretched without being damaged during sexual intercourse, and is the reason as to lack of injuries present that are attributable to the sexual act. the findings at the time the legal medical expert work is carried out, cannot confirm the existence of total or partial penetration in the denounced cases. the objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dilatable or complacent hymens and analyze the social-bio-demographic factors of the victims of sexual assault. a descriptive, retrospective study was carried out selecting the reports of rapes from the sexology unit of the legal medical service in the city of temuco, between january 2000 and december 2003 (n=509). the information was registered with excel program and analyzed by winstat software for excel program. dilatable or complacent hymen in 46 cases (9%), 74% of the victims were from urban areas, with an average of 16.7 years of age. 51.2% reported several episodes and 89.2% of the aggressors were individuals familiar to the victim. during physical examination extra genital and colorectal injuries were noted in 29.9% and 4.4% respectively. during biological exams presence of spermatocytes was confirmed in 8.7%. dilatable or complacent hymen was reported in 9% of the rapes. during physical examination evidence of injury is reported only in 28.3%, while there is evidence of spermatocytes in 8.7% of the victims. as result there is little evidence that allows the physician to determine the existence of a sexual assault with or without penetration.
