As v芍lvulas no interior das veias desempenham importante fun o nodirecionamento do sangue para o cora o. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um estudo macro e microsc車pico das v芍lvulas das veias card赤acas de cora es de su赤nos, estabelecendo poss赤veis correla es morfofuncionais. Foram utilizados 30 cora es desu赤nos da ra a Landrace e Large White, de ambos os sexos, que foram submetidos a estudo morfom谷trico, histol車gico e em microscopia eletr nica de varredura. Foram encontradas valvas no interior das veias card赤acas magna e m谷dia, em 100% dos casos estudados. Noscora es utilizados para an芍lise histol車gica foram encontradas 291 v芍lvulas, sendo 178 unic迆spides (61,17%) 86 bic迆spides (29,65%) e 27 tric迆spides (9,28%). As valvas encontradas na parede das veias card赤acas magna e m谷dia eram constitu赤das por feixes de fibras col芍genas, el芍sticas e musculares. Conclui-se que v芍lvulas s o um achado frequente nas veias card赤acas de su赤nos, com maior predom赤nio na metade proximal, tanto na veia card赤aca magna quanto na veia card赤aca m谷dia. The valves inside veins have an important function in directing blood to the heart. The objective of this research was to perform a macro- and microscopic study of heart vein valves in pig hearts, and establish possible morphofunctional correlations. The hearts of 30 pigs from the Landrace and Large White breeds were used, of both sexes, which were submitted to a morphometric and histological study in a scanning electronic microscope. Valves were found in the interior of the magna and median heart veins in 100% of studied cases. In the hearts used for histological analysis, 291 valves were found, of which 178 were unicuspid (61.17%), 86 bicuspid (29.65%), and 27 tricuspid (9.28%). The valves found in the wall of magna and median heart vein were made up of collagen, elastic andmuscle fiber beams. It is concluded that valves are frequently found in the heart veins of pigs, with predominance in the proximal half, both in magna heart vein as in the median heart vein.