
作者:马海涛; 方创琳; 林赛南; 黄晓东; 徐成东
来源:Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(12): 1793-1809.


The Chinese urban system is currently experiencing a fundamental shift, as it moves from a size-based hierarchy to a network-based system. Contemporary studies of city networks have tended to focus on economic interactions without paying sufficient attention to the issue of knowledge flow. Using data on co-authored papers obtained from China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database(CAJNPD) during 2014–2016, this study explores several features of the scientific collaboration network between Chinese mainland cities. The study concludes that:(1) the spatial organization of scientific cooperation amongst Chinese cities is shifting from a jurisdiction-based hierarchical system to a networked system; and(2) several highly intra-connected city regions were found to exist in the network of knowledge, and such regions had more average internal linkages(14.21) than external linkages(8.69), and higher average internal linkage degrees(14.43) than external linkage degrees(10.43); and(3) differences existed in terms of inter-region connectivity between the Western, Eastern, and Central China regional networks(the average INCD of the three regional networks were 109.65, 95.81, and 71.88). We suggest that China should engage in the development of regional and sub-regional scientific centers to achieve the goal of building an innovative country. Whilst findings reveal a high degree of concentration in those networks – a characteristic which reflects the hierarchical nature of China’s urban economic structure – the actual spatial distribution of city networks of knowledge flow was found to be different from that of city networks based on economic outputs or population.