
Solidarity is essential to constructing a more harmonious relationship among ethnic groups and world order. As one of the most important works by Caryl Phillips, The Nature of Blood offers multiple insights into the construction of diaspora community by showing the “commonality” in their destiny in different times and spaces. With its portrayal of different forms of diaspora experiences, this novel is significant in at least three ways: first, Phillips reveals, from the perspective of cosmopolitanism, the extensive damage caused by racism by juxtaposing stories from different times, places, and characters in the novel; second, to uphold his own deep, dialectical, and comprehensive conception of “the other” in the novel, Phillips’ depiction of the misfortunes experienced by “the others” is always accompanied by reflections of various problems concerning their own existence; third, diasporic groups share a “commonality” in their consciousness, emotion, and mindset due to their similar experiences, a “commonality” that will become important “resources” in the construction of diaspora community.