in an ethnobotanical survey conducted within %26quot;quilombola%26quot; communities of oriximin芍, par芍 state, %26quot;saracuramir芍%26quot; (sar), ampelozizyphus amazonicus ducke, stood out as one of the most cited species with wide popular use, especially for malaria, as tonic and depurative. the aim of this paper was to carry out an ethnopharmacognostic study of sar in these communities. quantitative ethnobotanical analysis of the data showed that sar stands out as one of the 10 most versatile species with a high relative importance (1,3); it remains among the five species with the greatest cultural importance, demonstrated by the high salience index (0,311), being the species with the highest major use agreement to malaria (85,7%). analysis of the foam and hemolysis indexes of sar shows the presence of saponins with high foam index (833) and low hemolytic activity (hd50 2,6 mg ml-1). in order to analyze sar saponin aglycones, the drink was prepared by the traditional quilombola method (bmt), was hydrolyzed, and analyzed by gas chromatography after reaction with diazomethane. two major peaks were characterized by mass spectrometry, one referring to a dammarane triterpene skeleton, characteristic from the sar saponins, and the other identified as the methyl ester of betulinic acid. owing to the popular usage of sar, its in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity was evaluated, but with negative results. however, it is possible to suggest that the indications of this plant as a tonic and for treating malaria may be related to an adaptogen and immunostimulant effect due to the presence of saponins and betulinic acid in bmt.