To screen the host-dependent abundance of hard tick (Acari: Ixodidae) developmental stages on ruminants in South Hungary. red and roe deer, as well as goats and sheep were examined in a season, when larvae and nymphs are active. Altogether 2271 ticks were collected. In the relevant period the prevalence of tick-infestation was significantly higher among goats, than among sheep kept in the very same area, most likely in association with the browsing habit of the former. Roe deer and goats were found to be important hosts for Ixodes ricinus and Haemaphysalis concinna larvae, in contrast to the view that this stage does not usually feed on medium-sized mammals. Interestingly, one third of I. ricinus larvae and one larva of H. concinna and of Dermacentor reticulatus collected from goats in the same herd in August have started the moulting process (showed apolysis) on their host, despite being three-host ticks. This is the first survey involving four species of domestic and wild ruminants in Europe to compare the host-preference of ixodid ticks in the same region.