Osteomielitis por Escherichia coli sobre fractura cerrada de h迆mero

作者:Ramos Martinez; A; Duca; A; Muez Rubio; E; Valverde Herreros; M L; Ramirez Feito; C
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2006.


patients with indwelling urethral catheters have an important risk of developing escherichia coli bacteremia. several cases of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis due to e. coli after diagnostic or therapeutic urinary tract procedures have been reported. an 88-years-old male patient with indwelling urethral catheter was admitted because of a closed subcapital humeral fracture and macroscopic hematuria due to bladder carcinoma. during his hospital admission he was treated with bladder irrigations with glycine solution. also a cystoscopy was done. on 8th day after admission the size of his left shoulder increased. free air in the proximity of the humeral fracture was observed at x-ray radiography and at ct scan.the patient was operated and an abscess close to the fracture with malodorous pus was drained. a culture of pus yielded e. coli. in order to prevent infections similar cases, use of indwelling urethral catheters should be strictly limited to patients that do not have any other option.
