
Several methods are currently used to optimize edges and contours of geophysical data maps. A resistivity map was expectedto allow the electrical resistivity signal to be imaged in 2D in Moroccan resistivity survey in the phosphate mining domain. Anomalouszones of phosphate deposit ※disturbances§ correspond to resistivity anomalies. The resistivity measurements were taken at 5151discrete locations. Much of the geophysical spatial analysis requires a continuous data set and this study is designed to create that surface. This paper identifies the best spatial interpolation method to use for the creation of continuous data for Moroccan resistivity data of phosphate ※disturbances§ zones. The effectiveness of our approach for successfully reducing noise has been used much successin the analysis of stationary geophysical data as resistivity data. The interpolation filtering approach methods applied to modelingsurface phosphate ※disturbances§ was found to be consistently useful.
