Aneurisma idiop芍tico da art谷ria radial na regiˋo da tabaqueira anatˋmica: relato de caso

作者:Santos; Aline Cristine Barbosa; Oliveira; Fabricio Mascarenhas de; Oliveira; Jose Guilherme de; Bolanho; Edgard; Roberti; Tasso; Mathias; Ulisses Ubaldo Matosinho; Costa; Regina de Faria Bittencourt da; Fernandes Junior; Nelson
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2008.


we report a case of a 73-year-old female, laundress/farmer, hypertensive, with symptomatic pulsatile lump of 1.5 x 0.5 cm at the right anatomical snuffbox of the right hand, with slow and progressive growth and local pain in the past 10 years. the patient presented no neurological symptoms, cyanosis, infection or local trauma history. allen%26quot;s test was negative, and color doppler ultrasound confirmed presence of radial artery aneurysm in the anatomical snuffbox. surgical treatment via aneurysmectomy of radial artery in the snuffbox with proximal and distal ligation was carried out. she had good operative course with no signs of digital ischemia. histopathological test confirmed diagnosis of arterial wall (true aneurysm). she remains asymptomatic in outpatient follow-up. there is no definition as to which aneurysms distal to the axillary artery could be followed without a surgical procedure. as the patients had normal allen%26quot;s test and local pain, proximal and distal ligation was chosen and had good outcome.
