Ginkgo biloba is considered to be an alternative drug for various indications; unfortunately very few studies are available on its side effects. This present study describes the harmful effects of Ginkgo biloba on developing fetal liver. Two experimental groups of six pregnant female mice each were given Ginkgo biloba at human therapeutic dose (A) and a higher dose (B) throughout the gestation period. A third group (C) was taken as a control and given distilled water only. Fetal livers were examined and the effects of the drug observed. There were signs of congestion and fatty change along with dilatation of sinusoids in a dose dependent manner concluding that Ginkgo biloba affects fetal liver. La Ginkgo biloba es considerada, en varias indicaciones, como un medicamento alternativo; sin embargo, existen pocos reportes disponibles sobre sus efectos secundarios. Este estudio describe los efectos nocivos de Ginkgo biloba en el desarrollo del h赤gado fetal. Dos grupos experimentales de 6 ratones hembras pre adas recibieron Ginkgo biloba en la dosis terap谷utica humana (A) y una dosis m芍s alta (B) por el per赤odo de gestaci車n. Un tercer grupo control (C) recibi車 agua destilada. Los h赤gados fetales fueron examinados y observados los efectos de la droga. Hubo signos de congesti車n y degeneraci車n grasa, junto con la dilataci車n de sinusoides en funci車n de la dosis. Como conclusi車n la Ginkgo biloba afecta el h赤gado fetal.