Palinologia de esp谷cies de Mimosa L. (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) do Semi-芍rido brasileiro

作者:Lima; Luciene Cristina Lima e; Silva; Francisco Hilder Magalhes e; Santos; Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2008.


pollen studies of mimosa l. sought to characterize the species of this genus occurring within the caatinga vegetation of northeastern brazil. a total of 39 species were examined. the pollen grains were acetolyzed, measured, described, and illustrated using optical light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. the results indicated the existence of six basic pollen types and two sub-types, based on dispersal units. the occurrence of dyads (mimosa adenophylla taub., mimosa ursina mart.) and monads (mimosa ursina mart.) was recorded.
