Morfometria de fol赤culos pilosos do couro cabeludo normal

作者:Mulinari Brenner; Fabiane; Rosas; Fernanda Manfron Batista; Fillus Neto; Jose; Torres; Luiz Fernando Bleggi
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2006.


background: histological description of normal human hair follicle has scarce literature. recognizing normal scalp follicle and its variability throughout the scalp is fundamental to study scalp disorders. objectives: to evaluate normal scalp samples in caucasians considering cross-section area, maximum and minimum diameters of terminal anagen follicles. methods: twenty necropsies of caucasian individuals (10m, 10f) were followed by a 4mm punch biopsy of 4 scalp areas. transverse sections were evaluated by light microscopy. terminal anagen follicle cross-section area, maximum and minimum diameters were determined by computer image analysis. results were compared between sexes and scalp areas. results: follicular area and maximum and minimum diameters are presented. conclusion: no statistically significant differences were observed in follicular maximum diameter and area in several scalp regions. however, the morphometric evaluation of terminal anagen follicles demonstrated greater dimensions within the male group.
