Sexualidade e paraplegia: o dito, o expl赤cito e o oculto

作者:Frana; Inacia Satiro Xavier de; Chaves; Adriana de Freitas
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2005.


background: tthe aim of this study was to contribute to develop educational actions which may unveil myths and taboos related to sexuality of the individual with paraplegia and to enhance quality of life of these patients. the object selection in this study was %26quot;sexuality of disable woman%26quot; objective: to understand the construction of senses in paraplegic women concerning sexuality and reporting the barriers faced by those women to experience their sexuality. method: this is a descriptive study where subjects were selected by accessibility, according to pre-established criteria. semi-structured interviews and the speech analysis led to the emergence of categories. results: the categories suggested the process of negative self-image and self-concept and a tendency to selfdiscrimination. there is a guilty feeling when they experience the sensation of orgasm. categories also emerged that suggested the belief in monogamist marriage as a personal desire. also orgasm is a question that derives from the knowledge of oneˋs own body and her partner. conclusions: one concludes that the myth of beauty and the adamic myth rule the subjectˋs sexuality. but not all studied women strictly observe the rules of the society they live in, so that a group of paraplegic women experience sexuality differently from the others.
