
the endometrial esteroid receptors play an essential paper in the reproductive physiology being them decisive on the morophuncional state of the genital tract and especially of the endometrium in which the embryo will be implanted. we studied the presence of estrogens and progesterone receptors in the endometrium of rommey marsh prepubertal sheep (n=3) samples of uterine wall were obtained for histologycal and and inmunocitochemestry study. the endometrium of the prepubertal sheep shows histologycaly caruncles, aglandulares areas of dense estroma rich in fibroblastos, that will become points of placental insertation during the gestation and intercarunculares areas constituted by endometrium glandular proliferative of compact estroma and not very prominent vessels. the inmunocitochemestry revealed for the estrogens receptors inmumnoreactivity positive moderated in the estroma endometrial and very scattered in the glandular epithelium, not being differences between area caruncular and intercaruncular. the progesterone receptors presented positive inmunoreactivity estromal being more intense in the intercaruncular area we conclude that the sheep rommey marsh shows estrogens and progesterone receptors physiologically active in its endometrium already in prepubertal stage this is before beginning its ovarian cycles, those could be induced and regulated by exogenous hormones with the purpose of to increase the efficiency and to prevent reproductive disfunctiones
