
access ofthe cubital fossa to the superficial veins is very frequent, this being one ofthe most frequent vein puncture sites. although it is a simple procedure, it is invasive and at times painful. the disposition ofthe superficial veins ofthe cubital area has been described by numerous authors and in diverse ethnic groups, describing many variations and various patterning. the superficial veins ofthe ofthe cubital fossa have been independently described, forming an m, n, y or w. numerous studies in different races and ethnic groups have demonstrated similarities and differences in the disposition ofthe superficial veins ofthe cubital fossa. in 1908 berry %26 newton determined that in 83% of british men the cephalic vein ofthe forearm (cvf) and the basilic vein ofthe forearm (bvf) were connected by the median cubital vein (mcv) okamoto (1922) in japanese men, determined 3 types of venous patterns. type i where the cvf originates the mcv, the accessory cephalic vein (acv) does not exist, and the (cvf) does not duplicate; type ii is characterized by the duplication of the cvf and a type iii, that includes the acv which drains in the cvf. in white and black men charles (1932) indicated that the most frequent distribution (nearly 70% ofthe cases), was that where the cvf and the bfv were connected by the mcv. soller et al. (1962, 1964) in africans from west africa, distinguished three types of venous formations. group i classic dispositions, types in m orapparent (38.1%) groups ii and iii described as dispositions ofthe embryological type constitute 62% ofthe cases. halim %26 abdi (1974) observed 3 types in hindus types: 1) type i. the cvf and the bvf are connected by the mcv; type ii. the cvf drains in the bvf: the median vein ofthe forearm (mvf) drains in the cvf. type iii. there is no communication between the cvf and the bfv in the cubital fossa and it is subdivided in types iii a and iii b. wasfi etal. (1986) described 6 types of venous formations in iraqis, indicating
