Overview of Dose Assessment Developments and the Health of Riverside Residents Close to the ※Mayak§ PA Facilities, Russia

作者:William J F Standring; Mark Dowdall; Per Strand
来源:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2009, 6(1): 174-199.


The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) has been involved in studies related to the Mayak PA and the consequences of activities undertaken at the site for a number of years. This paper strives to present an overview of past and present activities at the Mayak PA and subsequent developments in the quantification of health effects on local populations caused by discharges of radioactive waste into the Techa River. Assessments of doses to affected populations have relied on the development of dose reconstruction techniques for both external and internal doses. Contamination levels are typically inhomogeneous and decrease with increasing distance from the discharge point. Citations made in this paper give a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, basis for further reading about this topic.
