
Se realiz車 un an芍lisis de citas de Acimed, la Revista Cubana de los Profesionales de la Informaci車n y la Comunicaci車n en Salud, a lo largo de sus 15 primeros a os de existencia, en Scholar Google. Para esto, se utiliz車 el programa Publish or Perish. Se compar車 el impacto de Acimed con el de otras 9 revistas publicadas en idioma castellano sobre Bibliotecolog赤a y Ciencias de la Informaci車n. Se identificaron los art赤culos m芍s citados en la revista durante todo el per赤odo; as赤 como las tem芍ticas que alcanzaron mayor visibilidad. Se analiz車 la importancia de Scholar Google como instrumento para la evaluaci車n de la investigaci車n, y se expuso la necesidad de realizar estudios comparativos de Scholar Google con el Web of Science y Scopus, con vistas a identificar sus ventajas y limitaciones. A citation analysis of Acimed, the Cuban Journal of Information and Communication Professionals in Health Sciences, during its first 15 years of existence was made in Scholar Google. To this end, the Publish or Perish software was used. The impact of Acimed was compared with that of other nine journals on Library and Information Science published in Spanish language. The most cited articles of the journal during the whole period were identified, as well as the topics with the highest visibility. The importance of Scholar Google as a tool for assessing research was analyzed, and the necessity to carry out comparative studies of Scholar Google with the Web of Science and Scopus in order to determine its advantages and limitations was exposed.
