Sirenomelia associada a defeitos cong那nitos raros: relato de tr那s casos

作者:Lima; Maria Angelica F D; Machado; Heloisa Novaes; Dock; Dione Correa de Araujo; Villar; Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro; Llerena Junior; Juan Clinton
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012.


sirenomelia, an extremely rare congenital defect, is defined as a limb abnormality in which the normally paired lower limbs are replaced by a single midline limb. it is commonly associated with varied genitourinary anomalies. we report three cases of sirenomelia including x-ray documentation of the lower limb. other associated aspects, whose diagnoses were established exclusively through autopsy, included bilateral renal, ureteral and bladder agenesis, rectal atresia, imperforate anus, intra-abdominal testis, absence of external genitalia and other rare congenital abnormalities.
