Impacto do perfil cl赤nico e sociodemogr芍fico na adesˋo ao tratamento de pacientes de um Centro de Atenˋˋo Psicossocial a Usu芍rios de 芍lcool e Drogas (CAPSad)

作者:Peixoto; Clayton; Prado; Carlos Henrique de Oliveira; Rodrigues; Cristiele Pedroso; Cheda; Julio Nelson Devicari; Mota; Leticia Brito Tavares da; Veras; Andre Barciela
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2010.


objective: the present study compares the sociodemografic and clinical profile of patients that remain or not in treatment in a specialized center for alcohol and drugs (capsad). method: three hundred and sixteen medical records of a specialized center in campo grande (ms) were evaluated. results: thus we observed that the group of patients that do not remain in the treatment are commonly men (p = 0,072), elderly (p = 0,008), with father and mother record (p = 0,068), alcoholic (p = 0,005) and with more time of addiction (p = 0,005). conclusion: there is a need to reformulate the approaches applied today in capsad, especially among patients with predictors of treatment dropout.
