A construˋˋo do conhecimento na odontologia: a produˋˋo cient赤fica em debate

作者:Amorim; Karla Patricia Cardoso; Alves; Maria do Socorro Costa Feitosa; Germano; Raimunda Medeiros
来源:Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2005.


purpose: analyze, quantitatively, which odontology magazines are being consulted and read by surgeon-dentists, and evaluate the profiles of the mostly cited. methods: 370 polls were made, during the xvii congresso pernambucano de odontologia (pernambucan congress of odontology) and the ix congresso de odontologia do rio grande do norte (congress of odontology of rio grande do norte), which took place, respectively, in april and september 2004. the participants were volunteering professionals divided among general practice (37.84%) and ten differing specialties (62.16%); of which 77,02% had up to ten years of graduation. results: resulting the researches made, 620 quotes were generated, in which, 35 different magazines, national and international, were quoted. by analyzing the data collected, we observe that three magazines summed more than half of the quota (52.74%), which are: revista da associaˋˋo paulista de cirurgiˋes dentistas - apcp (magazine of the paulista association of surgeon-dentists), revista da associaˋˋo brasileira de odontologia - abo national (magazine of the brazilian association of odontology) and the revista brasileira de odontologia - rbo (brazilian magazine of odontology). conclusion: despite the participants of the research being, in their majority, specialists, we observe a tendency of a greater consultation of the magazines of general characteristic. these magazines predominantly tackle clinical and technical subjects and present an expressive circulation, great penetration in the odontologic world, easy accessibility and a long time in the market (two of them are over 50 years-old). according to capes - qualis, all possess a b national concept. therefore, it is necessary a deepening of this study, so as to analyze qualitatively what kind of subjects and themes these magazines touch, since they influence the odontologic formation and practice.
