This paper offers new information to better understand the process by which ※iglesias patrimoniales§ (patrimonial churches: those served by a clergy born within the parish) are founded and developed in the context of the late medieval Castilian city. The founding of San Nicol芍s, a parochial church in today*s province of Burgos, and its role in the ecclesiastical reformation of this district serve as an example. The bishop Juan Cabeza de Vaca initiated such reformation between 1408 and 1413. Este art赤culo aporta datos reveladores sobre el proceso de formaci車n de las iglesias patrimoniales numeradas, en el 芍mbito de las ciudades castellanas bajomedievales, tomando como ejemplo la ordenaci車n e instituci車n de la iglesia parroquial de San Nicol芍s de Burgos y su implicaci車n en la reforma eclesi芍stica burgalesa, emprendida por el obispo don Juan Cabeza de Vaca entre 1408 y 1413.