The upper Paran芍 River floodplain is characterized by the existence of several aquatic and transitional habitats between the aquatic and terrestrial environment, influencing the presence and distribution of aquatic macrophytes. Samples were taken from different places andpermanent slides were prepared for analysis and capture of images with the objective of comparing the anatomy of the roots of eight species of emergent aquatic macrophytes. The species feature uniseriate epidermis with narrow and long cells, cortex composed of uniseriate or biseriate exodermis, with or without thickening, aerenchyma with great gaps, uniseriate endodermis, with or without thickening, continuous or interrupted pericycle, and central cylinder with variable number of xylem poles. A plan赤cie alag芍vel do alto rio Paran芍 谷 caracterizada pela exist那ncia de v芍rios h芍bitats aqu芍ticos e transicionais entre oambiente aqu芍tico e terrestre, influenciando na presen a e distribui o das macr車fitas aqu芍ticas. Com o objetivo de se comparar a anatomia das ra赤zes de oito esp谷cies de macr車fitas aqu芍ticasemergentes, foram realizadas coletas em diferentes locais e preparadas laminas permanentes para an芍lise e captura de imagens. As esp谷cies possuem epiderme unisseriada com c谷lulas estreitas e longas, c車rtex composto por exoderme unisseriada ou bisseriada, com ou sem espessamento, aer那nquima com grandes lacunas, endoderme unisseriada, com ou sem espessamento, periciclo periciclo ou interrompido e cilindro central com n迆mero vari芍vel de polos de xilema.