This article presents a portrait of Isaac Alb谷niz that underlines his relevance for Spanish-French relationships in fin-de-si豕cle culture. More specifically, the article focuses on the connections established by Alb谷niz between Parisian artistic circles and young Spanish artists, and on the aesthetic-sociological contrast of both countries by that time, through the study of a signifi cant corpus of letters which are included in several publications and, above all, in Isaac Alb谷niz*s correspondence located at the Biblioteca de Catalunya. These sources show the outstanding importance of the Catalan artist not only in connection with the musical sphere, but also in a wider cultural context that includes literature and plastic arts. This research is completed with a brief reference to Alb谷niz*s reception abroad decades immediately after his death. El presente art赤culo ofrece un retrato de Isaac Alb谷niz y su relevancia para las relaciones hispano-francesas en la cultura finde- si豕cle. La conexi車n que estableci車 Alb谷niz entre los c赤rculos art赤sticos parisinos y los j車venes espa oles, as赤 como el contraste est谷tico-sociol車gico entre ambos pa赤ses son las dos perspectivas que se analizan aqu赤. Para ello se ha estudiado un corpus significativo de cartas, incluidas en diversas publicaciones y, sobre todo, en el epistolario de Isaac Alb谷niz de la Biblioteca de Catalu a. Dichas fuentes proyectan la trascendencia del artista catal芍n m芍s all芍 del 芍mbito musical, insert芍ndolo en un contexto cultural m芍s amplio, del que participan tambi谷n la literatura y las artes pl芍sticas. El estudio se completa con una breve referencia a la fortuna cr赤tica de Alb谷niz en el extranjero, en las d谷cadas posteriores a su muerte.