
The paper presents a community of water plants that is new to Poland, Veronico beccabungae-Callitrichetum stagnalis (Oberd. 1957) M邦ller 1962. This community belongs to the class Potametea. It was discovered in the village of Odrow near the town of Krapkowice in Silesia (SW Poland). Veronico beccabungae-Callitrichetum stagnalis in Poland occurs within an irregularly shaped shallow underwater spring, located in the distal part of the Oder River*s flood terrace. This plant community covered 0.2 ha in 2008. Callitriche stagnalis predominated in this community. Species such as Callitriche hamulata and Callitriche verna occurred less frequently. An average of five species were counted in a relev谷. Alkaline sediments (pH 8.03) occur in the substratum, but sediments with a lower pH value (7.73) occur in the spring*s outflow zone towards the Odra River. Water in the spring, where Veronico beccabungae-Callitrichetum stagnalis occurred, has a medium mineralisation but is rich in dissolved compounds. The condition of this community within the studied habitat could be evidence for highly adaptive abilities and this community%26apos;s good adjustment to the natural conditions. Veronico beccabungae-Callitrichetum stagnalis is a rare and endangered plant community in Central Europe. The locality of this plant community in Poland should be given species protection.
