全再生细骨料免蒸压陶粒轻质混凝土 隔墙板研究

作者:Yang Yibo; Zeng Weizhen; Li Yanjun; Chen Qiaohui; Guo Wenying; Zhan Jianckao; Chen Yingqin; Wang Hengchang
来源:硅酸盐通报, 2020, 39(8): 2641-2649.


Complete recycled fine aggregate ( CRFA) is a new method for the utilization of waste concrete, and its apparent density and water absorption performance are obviously better than that of traditional recycled fine aggregate. In this paper, non-autoclaved ceramsite lightweight concrete (NCLC)and partition wallboard specimens were prepared by using CRFA to replace river sand, and the surface density, compressive strength and dry shrinkage of the prepared materials were tested. The results show that the preferred CRFA-NCLC mix ratio is water-binder ratio of 0. 30, sand-binder ratio of 2. 0, the absolute volume content of ceramsite of 15% and concrete target wet density of 1 650 kg/m'. When the area density i-s the same, compared with river sand, the compressive strength of the CRFA-NCLC partition wallboard is slightly higher and the dry shrinkage value is higher. The higher dry shrinkage of CRFA-NCLC may be due to its higher moisture content and soak in water before experiment, which can be solved by prolonging the curing time to 7 d. The area density, compressive strength and dry shrinkage performance of the air entrained CRFA-NCLC partition wallboard meet the requirements of the general technical requirements of light weight panel used for building partition (JG/T 169-2016). Compared with the existing autoclaved ceramsite lightweight concrete partition wallboard. the CRFA-NCLC partition wallboard has obvious economic advantages, and the cost of concrete material reduccs by 23%. The preparation of the NCLC partition wallboard by CRFA is an effective way to promote the recycling of waste concrete and the green production of partition wallboard. ? 2020 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society Press.