
a list of 69 species of cerambycidae collected at 45 m height in a metallic tower of 50 m height, in a %26quot;platˋ de terra firme%26quot;, in the cueiras river basin, %26quot;estaˋˋo experimental de silvicultura tropical, km 14 do n迆cleo zf-2%26quot; in manaus, amazonas, brazil. the collections were carried out monthly from january to december of 2004, during three nights of lunar transition third quarter monn/new moon from 18 p.m. to 6 a.m. the insects were collected over a vertical white sheet illuminated by a 250 watts mixed light and a 20 watts black-light (blb) lamps. were collected prioninae (12 species), disteniidae (one species), cerambycinae (27 species) and lamiinae (29 species). new species described: physopleurus rafaeli, sp. nov. (prioninae, macrotomini); oncideres tuberosa sp. nov. (lamiinae, onciderini),plistonax rafaeli sp. nov. (lamiinae, acanthoderini) e hemiloapis mena sp. nov. (lamiinae, hemilophini). notes for oncideres phaetusa dillon %26 dillon, 1946, a modified key to the species of physopleurus lacordaire, 1869 and a key to the species of hemiloapis galileo %26 martins, 2004 are presented.
