
objectives: to investigate hypertension control in elderly patients. to identify the cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular diseases associated with poor control of hypertension. to evaluate the pharmacologic treatment needed for the good control of hypertension. to analyse the existence of date in the medical history to evaluate the cardiovascular risk. methods: a coss-sectional study of elderly hypertensive patients intaked between 1 to january 2002 to 31 december 2002 in a internal medicine service. blood pressure was measured in the standard manner. blood pressure control was regarded as optimum if pressure averaged less than 140/90 mmhg or, in diabetics, less than 130/80 mmhg. results: the study included 484 hipertensive patients. in the hypertensive patients, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were well controlled in 53.9% of patients, systolic blood pressure alone in 2,1% and diastolic blood pressure alone in 30.8%. the isolated systolic arterial hypertension prevalence is bigger in the group with poor control, p %26lt; 0.001. the 77% of hypertensive patients associated other cardiovascular risk factor, and the 69% associated any cardiovascular disease. the 64% of hypertensive patients needed pharmacologic treatment. conclusions: arterial blood pressure control was optimum in only one out of two hypertensive patients. diabetes is the most influential variable in poor control. the diuretics are the active ingredients more used in the hypertension therapeutic.
