The purpose of the present work was the anatomical, histo logical and histochemical description o赤 Rhamdia quelen juvenile digestive system. Samples of gut were fixed, dehydrated and included in paraffin and then stained with haematoxylin and eosin. For the identification and differentiation of mucosubstances the preparations were treated with Periodic Acid Schiff, Alcian Blue pH 0,4 and 2,5 andPAS/AB pH 2,5. Anatomical details of the oesophagus were like a short tube with primary and secondary mucous folds. The stratified epithelium is composed of three cellular types: small cells, abundant goblet cells with acid and neutral mucosubstances (MS) and large acid cells. The stomach is J-shaped and its mucosa presents broad and deep folds in relaxing state. Histologically, the stomach shows three different regions: cardiac, fundic and pyloric region. The luminal surface of the epithelium consists of a layer of secretory columnar cells of neutral MS. Tubuloacinar glands were surrounded by connective and muscular smooth fibers bundle. The intestine extends from the stomach until the anus, and four different sections can be distinguished: ascending, descending, convoluta and terminal straight. It was identified a simple columnar epithelium mainly composed by two cellular types: absorptive cell and goblet cell neutral MS secretory. On the basis of the anatomical and histo logical study carried out, we conclude that R. quelen presents an alimentary canal compatible with species that possess omnivorous nutritious habits. El prop車sito del presente trabajo fue realizar las descripciones anat車mica, histol車gica e histoqufmica del sistema digestivo de Rhamdia quelen j車venes. Las muestras de intestino fueron fijadas, deshidratadas e incluidas en parafina y posteriormente te idas con hematoxilina y eosina. Para la identificaci車n y diferenciaci車n de muco substancias los preparados fueron tratados con 芍cido peri車dico de Schiff, Azul Alcian pH 0,4 y 2,5 y PAS/AB pH 2,5. Los detalles anat車micos del es車fago mostraron un peque o tubo con pliegues mucosos primarios y secundarios. El epitelio estratificado presentaba tres tipos celulares: c谷lulas peque as, abundantes c谷lulas caliciformes con muco substancia (MS) acida y neutra y c谷lulas grandes acidas. El est車mago ten赤a forma de J y su mucosa presenta pliegues amplios y profundos en estado de relajaci車n. Histol車gicamente, el est車mago mostraba tres diferentes regiones: cardiaca, f迆ndica y pil車rica. La superficie luminal del epitelio constaba de una capa de c谷lulas columnares secretoras de MS neutro. Gl芍ndulas tubuloacinares esta