The research object of this study was the north channel of West-to-East power transmission. Based on the extended embodied carbon transfer decomposition model, the typical characteristics of carbon transfer embodied in electricity trade from the West to the East were explored, and key regions, sectors, and critical transfer paths were identified. The results indicated that Inner Mongolia and Shanxi were identified as the key regions for the roll-out of embodied carbon in western electricity (accounting for 85.8%), while Beijing, Hebei, and Shandong were identified as the key regions for the roll-in (accounting for 91.8%). The embodied carbon primarily transferred through indirect routes (with the indirect transfer from Shanxi and Inner Mongolia to Beijing, Hebei, and Shandong accounting for a high proportion of 85%~98%). Multiple industries in the four eastern provinces and municipalities were recognized as key sectors, including both traditional high-carbon industries such as chemical products, production and supply of electricity and heat, and construction, as well as industries with low direct carbon emissions such as various equipment manufacturing and food and tobacco. Taking the construction industry and food and tobacco industry in Beijing and Hebei as examples, it was found that C2, C4, and C5were the key paths for absorbing the embodied carbon of western electricity, indicating a high level of direct (C2) and indirect (C4and C5) dependence of these two sectors on western electricity. Based on the above findings, recommendations for collaborative carbon reduction in the east and west regions were proposed. ? 2023 Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences.
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