TIN_DDM Buffer Surface Construction Algorithm Based on Rolling Ball Acceleration Optimization Model

作者:Jian DONG; Zhiheng ZHANG*; Rencan PENG; Gaixiao LI; Mo WANG
来源:Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2020, 3(03): 88-103.


In view of the TINDDM buffer surface existing in the construction and application of special data type,algorithm efficiency and precision are not matching; the paper applied the rolling ball model in the process of TINDDM buffer surface construction. Based on the precision limitation analysis of rolling ball model,the overall precision control method of rolling ball model has been established. Considering the efficiency requirement of TINDDM buffer surface construction,the influence principle of key sampling points and rolling ball radius to TINDDM buffer surface construction efficiency has been elaborated,and the rule of identifying key sampling points has also been designed. Afterwards,by erecting the numerical relationship between key sampling points and rolling ball radius,a TINDDM buffer surface construction algorithm based on rolling ball acceleration optimization model has been brought forward. The time complexity of the algorithm is O( n). The experiments show that the algorithm could realize the TINDDM buffer surface construction with high efficiency,and the algorithm precision is controlled with in 2σ.