To gain an understanding of the detailed anatomical aspects of Mazamagouazoubira (brocket deer), this paper describes the relationships between its spinal cord and the vertebral canal, adding information with a clinical and surgical approach. Three specimens of M. gouazoubira were prepared following the methods normally used inanatomy. The epaxial muscles and vertebral arches were removed to expose the spinal cord and the spinal nerve roots. The dimensions of the medullary segments were measured using a pachymeter with 0.05 mm precision. The spinal cord is cylindroidal, dorsoventrally flattened, with an average craniosacral length of 656.27 mm, and has two dilatations corresponding to the cervical and lumbar intumescences. The cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrocaudal segments showed an average length of 175.07, 226.03, 123.47 and 43.63 mm, with indices of 28.02, 35.34, 19.68 and 6.93%, respectively. The medullary cone, whose average length is 46.27 mm, begins between L2 and L3 and ends between S1 and S2, with a mean index of 7.53%. The overall average distance between the nerve roots of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral segments was 2.23, 2.06 and 1.98 cm, respectively. Propondo conhecer os aspectos anat micos pormenorizados de Mazama gouazoubira (veado catingueiro), o presente trabalho descreve as rela es entre sua medula espinal e o canal vertebral, adicionando informa es com enfoque cl赤nico-cir迆rgico. Utilizaram-se tr那s esp谷cimes de M. gouazoubira que foram preparados seguindo m谷todos usuais em anatomia. Retirou-se a musculatura epiaxial e os arcos vertebrais para a exposi o da medula espinal e ra赤zes dos nervos espinais. As dimens es dos segmentos medulares foram obtidas utilizando um paqu赤metro de precis o 0,05 mm. A medula espinal possui a forma cilindr車ide, aplanada dorsoventralmente, com comprimento cranio-sacral m谷dio de 656,27 mm, possui duas dilata es correspondentes 角s intumesc那ncias cervical e lombar. Os segmentos cervical, tor芍cico, lombar e sacro-caudal apresentam 175,07; 226,03; 123,47 e 43,63 mm de comprimento m谷dio, com 赤ndices de 28,02; 35,34; 19,68 e 6,93% respectivamente. O cone medular de comprimento m谷dio 46,27 mm inicia-se entre L2 e L3 e termina em S1 e S2, com 赤ndice m谷dio de 7,53%. A m谷dia geral obtida para a distancia entre as ra赤zes dos nervos dos segmentos cervical, tor芍cico e lombossacral foi de 2,23; 2,06 e 1,98 cm, respectivamente.