introduction: the pattern of development of carious lesions has changed. the carious lesion has been progressive and reaches the dentin without showing alterations in the clinical aspects. objectives: to determine the prevalence of caries in 12-year-old students in the city of franca - sˋo paulo, brazil, during the year of 2003, and to evaluate the additional value of bitewing radiograph to detect hidden carious lesions in permanent molar dentin. materials and methods: a probabilistic sample composed of two hundred and fifty six (256) students, from public and private schools, was submitted to a cross-sectional study through examination by a calibrated examiner, in order to detect the caries prevalence, using the methodology recommended by the world health organization (who). for 66% of the sample, bitewing radiographs of the permanent molar region were obtained. the images were analyzed by a calibrated examiner, who established the presence of hidden caries in teeth with radiolucency in dentin, yet considered healthy in the epidemiological survey. results: the prevalence of dental caries in epidemiological exam without (who) and with (who/r) the inclusion of hidden caries lesion was 54% and 64%, and the dmft index was 1.73 and 1.92 respectively. conclusion: utilization of the method of bitewing radiographic diagnosis significantly increased (p%26lt;0.001) the prevalence of caries in the studied population.