Carmen de Burgos Colombine also writes several biographies, the more complete and elaboreted of them was her book about Larra. This article summarizes the best contributions of her F赤garo (1919): unpublished manuscripts, interesting documents and forgotten articles of the newspapers. All these materials give an valuable interpretation of a exciting literary and political life in which she is deeply involved. Carmen de Burgos Colombine cultiv車 tambi谷n el g谷nero biogr芍fico; la biograf赤a m芍s trabajada es la que dedic車 a Larra que a迆n es libro de referencia para los larristas. Este art赤culo resume las aportaciones de su F赤garo (1919): abundantes manuscritos, valiosos documentos in谷ditos y textos period赤sticos olvidados, un material que sirvi車 a Colombine para interpretar la trayectoria pol赤tica, literaria y vital de un rom芍ntico con el que se sinti車 profundamente identificada.