Interaˋˋo com os pais e o uso do espaˋo por um infante de Alouatta fusca (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812) em cativeiro

作者:Navarro; Fernanda Keley Silva Pereira; Navarro; Rodrigo Diana; Pereira; Valeria do Socorro; Rodrigues; Flavio Henrique Guimares
来源:Acta Amazonica, 2012.


primates are social animals that have bond between mother and offspring, unlike other orders of mammals. the survival of an infant primate is completely dependent on the care provided by members of their social group, particularly maternal care. the aim of this study was to analyze the use of premises for an infant of monkey and its proximity to the parents. the group of monkeys was composed of a pair of adult female and her pup at 4 months of age. the observation period was from august to december 2006, making an average of 96 hours of sampling effort. the method of observation was the focal animal with instant record, with 30 second intervals for 1 hour per day. the study site was an exhibition space of the zoo-botanical foundation of belo horizonte, 7 m high, 6 m wide, 7 m deep with the presence of internal landscaping. the results revealed greater contact with the infant%26apos;s mother and father in relation to a significant departure (p %26lt; 0.05) compared to the puppy%26apos;s maternal contact with increasing age and greater independence. the most used during the first 3 months of captivity was the pergola. in december, a period of higher rainfall, the chick ventral increased interactions with the mother, and stayed longer in the barrel. information obtained here will contribute to a better understanding in relation to infants of alouatta fusca, their social interactions and use of space that can be used to improve the ex-situ management of animals, creating better conditions for the stay of those in captivity, using appropriate structures that mimic the natural environment, to ensure the welfare of apes and thus the survival of the species.
