The Musical Archive of the Cathedrals of Saragosse (E-Zac) keeps a relevant collection of manuscripts of keyboard music of the 18th century. The present study deals, for the fi rst time, with one of these sources, a miscellaneous one (E-Zac, A-1 Ms.1), in which we can find, together with a number of anonymous works, and copies of musical pieces by outstanding local and international composers, musical works by musicians who were developing their careers in the court of Madrid in the last two-thirds of the 18th century. Such were the cases of Domenico Scarlatti, father Antonio Soler, Manuel Blasco (de Nebra?), maybe Jos谷 de Nebra, Fr. Joaqu赤n Asia赤n, (Juan de?) Ses谷 and Jos谷 Moreno y Polo. The manuscript is particularly interesting not only for compiling three unknown adagios by Manuel Blasco, published here, but also for introducing some sonatas by Scarlatti and Soler, with amazing variants in comparison with the so called ※authorized§ or reference versions. This gives an added value to this kind of compilations 每considered secondary up to now每 with no doubt intended to be used by organist working in an ecclesiastical environment. El Archivo de M迆sica de las Catedrales de Zaragoza custodia una relevante colecci車n de manuscritos de m迆sica de tecla del siglo XVIII. El presente art赤culo trata por vez primera una de dichas fuentes, miscel芍nea (E-Zac, A-1 Ms.1), en la que aparecen, junto a numerosas obras an車nimas y copias de composiciones de autores destacados del 芍mbito local e internacional, obras de compositores activos en la corte de Madrid durante los dos 迆ltimos tercios del siglo XVIII, tales como Domenico Scarlatti, el padre Antonio Soler, Manuel Blasco [ de Nebra?], acaso Jos谷 de Nebra, fray Joaqu赤n Asia赤n, [ Juan de? ] Ses谷 y Jos谷 Moreno y Polo. El manuscrito es especialmente interesante no s車lo porque compila tres adagios in谷ditos de Manuel Blasco que hoy se editan, sino por incorporar algunas sonatas de Scarlatti y Soler con llamativas variantes con respecto a las versiones consideradas autorizadas o de referencia, lo cual otorga un valor a adido a este tipo de recopilaciones 每s車lo hasta ahora ※secundarias§每, sin duda destinadas al uso por parte de los organistas activos en el 芍mbito eclesi芍stico.