Se presentan los resultados del an芍lisis taxon車mico y ecol車gico del ictioplancton obtenido mediante arrastres superficiales en 23 estaciones de muestreo durante la campa a oceanogr芍fica Pac赤fico XXXVIII ERFEN-XXXVI en la cuenca del Oc谷ano Pac赤fico colombiano. Se identificaron estadios larvales de 19 especies pertenecientes a 18 familias, en su mayor赤a de inter谷s para la pesca. Las familias m芍s abundantes fueron Photichthyidae (179 larvas﹞1000 m-3) y Hemiramphidae (106 larvas﹞1000 m-3). Se determin車 la distribuci車n y abundancia de huevos mediante el an芍lisis gr芍fico de mapas de dispersi車n espacial. Destacaron por su frecuencia de ocurrencia y abundancia las larvas de Vinciguerria lucetia (Familia Photichthydae) con 112 larvas﹞1000 m-3, Cetengraulis mysticetus (Familia Engraulidae) con 104 larvas﹞1000 m-3, y Hyporhamphus sp. y Oxyporhamphus sp. (Familia Hemiramphidae) con 73 y 33 larvas﹞1000 m-3 respectivamente. Considerando las limitaciones del muestreo (hora, tipo de red y arrastre), es muy probable que los valores de abundancia de larvas fueron subestimados We show the results of taxonomic and ecological analyses carried out on ichthyoplankton caught in 23 surface tows during the PACIFICO XXXVIII-ERFEN XXXVI oceanographic research campaign in the Colombian Pacific Ocean. Larvae of 19 fish species belonging to 18 families were identified. Most of the fish larvae were commercial value species. The most abundant family was Photichthyidae (179 larvae﹞1000 m-3), followed by Hemiramphidae with 106 larvae﹞1000 m-3. The spatial distribution and abundance of fish larvae and eggs were determined using dispersion maps (graphic analysis). Fish larvae abundances were probably underestimated due to sampling limitations (hour, type of net, and surface towing). However, larval abundances of Vinciguerria lucetia (Family Photichthydae: 112 larvae﹞1000 m-3), Cetengraulis mysticetus (Family Engraulidae: 104 larvae﹞1000 m-3), Hyporhamphus sp. (Family Hemiramphidae: 73 larvae﹞1000 m-3), and Oxyporhamphus sp. (Family Hemiramphidae: 33 larvae﹞1000 m-3) were outstanding