
introduction: diverse investigations have tried to relate the neuropsychologic efficiency with the levels of cd4 and viral load, however the results don%26apos;t seem to be conclusive. the objective of the present investigation is to determine the relationship grade among the variable level of cd4 and viral load and the neuropsychologic efficiency of patients hiv-1 infected. method: a total of 88 seropositive patients of the complexo hospitalario cristal-piˋor (ourense), in different phases of the infection (a=30, b=17 and c=41) they were recruited after completing a series of inclusion approaches to participate in the study. a total of 4 four patients was rejected by not completing the proposed approaches. to all they were applied a neuropsychologic battery, an evaluation of the anxious-depressive symptomatology and an interview over sociodemographical, toxicological, neuropsychiatrics and clinical-biological aspects. in the same day of the evaluation the levels of cd4 and viral load were determined in peripheral blood. previous to establish the correlation levels among the studied variables - levels of cd4, viral load in peripheral blood and neuropsychologic efficiency - it was necessary to carry out a factorial analysis to determine the factors that it evaluated the neuropsychologic battery and to standardize the punctuations, transforming them in typical punctuations. then, the execution levels and neurocognitive deterioration was determined, contrasting them with a group designed control ad hoc. later on, it practiced correlation analysis and multiple regression. results and discussion: the result of the correlates analyses and of regression it seems to indicate the relationship absence between cd4 and viral load in peripheral blood with each one of the five factors studied neuropsicologic (visual memory, attention/psycomotor speed, verbal intelligence/abstract thought, verbal memory for digits and words and verbal memory for texts). our data are coincident with other
