Concepci車n de Estudiantes y Docentes del Buen Profesor Universitario: Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Frontera

作者:Cabalin Silva; Daisy; Navarro Hernandez; Nancy; Zamora Silva; Jose; San Martin Gonzalez; Silvia
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2010.


currently the quality of a university professor is heavily influenced by the new roles to be undertaken according to focus educational process on the students. this study aims to explore the representation that students and teachers of the faculty of medicine at the universidad de la frontera have in relation to the concept %26quot;good university professor%26quot;. the study is based on qualitative research by allowing access to the conceptual world of individuals and networks of meanings using the technique of natural semantic networks. the survey was administered to 104 professors from various careers and 293 senior students. each of them expressed in ten words their representation of the concept and ranked it according to the importance they assigned. the participants were asked for their consent, assuring anonymity and confidentiality of data. from the instructors emerged 228 words defining the concept, and 248 from the students. instructors assign more semantic weight to %26quot;responsibility%26quot; (100%), %26quot;empathy%26quot; (97.6%), and %26quot;knowledge%26quot; (60.3%). students gave priority to %26quot;responsible%26quot; (100%), %26quot;respectful%26quot; (89.4%), and %26quot;empathetic%26quot; (71%) as major attributes of the good university professor. on second level instructors include aspects of cognition and knowledge (60.3% knowledge, 49.4% committed 48.4 updated, 43.3% studious) and students include aspects of (intelligent 47%, punctual 42.7%, commitment 37.9%, motivating 36%). the importance that both teachers and students assign to responsibility and empathy (which are related to skills of knowing how to be and knowing how to relate) is highlighted. for professors a second area of importance is given to knowledge%26apos;s competences, thus giving value to a continuous formation, unlike students for whom this aspect is of no major significance.
