<正>In the past few decades, control and engineering technologies have experienced rapid development in various quantum computation platforms, from the realization of single-qubit gates to the implementation of high-quality two-qubit gates, and from the fabrication of a few physical qubits to the integration, calibration, and control of exceeding 50 physical qubits on a single chip. We have arrived at the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era [1],in which quantum systems with 50–100 noisy physical qubits can show superiority over classical systems in some applications,although the performance is limited by operation errors. In addition to finding valuable applications, another parallel and critical task is to scale up the system dimension and optimize the parameters to realize quantum error correction (QEC) to suppress errors.Recent experiments [2–5] on QEC reveal that we are entering the error-corrected quantum (ECQ) era. In this paper, we are going to introduce these advancements and summarize the challenges in this era as shown in Fig.1.
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