We retrospectively studied 30 cases of multiple myeloma in patients under the age of 65, diagnosed from 1991 to 2005 in the clinical hematology department of the University Hospital of Yopougon that is a hospital incidence of 2.9 cases/year. The age of patients ranged from 34 to 64 years, with a mean age of 49 years and a sex ratio of 1.73. The professional activity was variable with 3% of radiographers and 10% of farmers. Clinically, the dominant sign was bone pain in 83% of cases. Myeloma was secretory in 93% of cases. It was Ig G-type in 86%, kappa-type in 66% of cases. 86% of patients were anemic, 20% had creatinine %26gt;20ˋmg/L, and 10% had serum calcium %26gt;120ˋmg/L. Geodes were found in 80% of cases. 53% were at stage III of DURIE and SALMON. Complications were infectious (33%), renal (20%), and hemorrhagic (7%). Chemotherapy regimens were VAD (10%), VMCP (30%), and VMCP/VBAP (60%) with 47% of partial responses, 33% of stable disease, and 7% of very good quality partial responses. The outcome developed towards death in 37% and causes of death were renal in 46% of cases. The median survival was only 5.1 months. 1. Introduction Multiple myeloma or Kahler disease is a malignant proliferation of an abnormal plasma cell clone secreting a complete or incomplete immunoglobulin. It, respectively, accounts for 10% and 20% of malignant hemopathies in the Caucasian and Black American. It is a condition of the subject of more than 50 years of age. Its incidence increases with age: 5 per 100,000 individuals at the age of 60 and 20 per 100,000 individuals at the age of 80. The average age at diagnosis is 64 years. It is slightly more common in men than in women [1]. Positive diagnosis of multiple myeloma is not always easy. It requires a combination of clinical arguments (general condition, bone syndrome), biological arguments (study of marrow, study of protein in the blood and urine, hemoglobin level, serum calcium, and creatinine), and radiological arguments (X-ray of the skeleton) [2]. The outcome is punctuated by multiple complications such as bone, renal, infectious, metabolic, neurological, hemorrhagic complications, and cachexia. Initially the prognostic classification was based on that of DURIE and SALMON but currently it is the ISS (International Staging System) with two parameters albumin and 2 microglobulin, which is used. In addition, some cytogenetic abnormalities such as del (13q), t(11; 14), t(4; 14), t(14; 16), and del (17p) have a major prognostic value. They have poor prognosis [3每6]. Mortality is 4.1/100,000 inhabitants/year in Europe [3].