Validaˋˋo da versˋo em portugu那s do Invent芍rio de Depressˋo Maior

作者:Parcias; Silvia; Rosario; Barbie P do; Sakae; Thiago; Monte; Fernanda; Guimares; Adriana C A; Xavier; Andre J
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2011.


objective: to validate, adapt and assess the reliability for the major depression inventory (mdi) to the portuguese language. methods: the questionnary underwent a cultural adaptation process. a pre-test was made to check on its aplicability. to analise the reprodutibility, repeted mesuare was used in two oportunities, 1 and 2 weeks later, using the intraclasses correlation coeficient. the mdi and the hamilton depression escale were applied in 30 pacients with depression and pared with 90 controls to whom the mdi was applied to. the roc curve was performed with 120 pacients and the final mdi score. the internal consistency was evaluated by means of cronbach%26apos;s alpha. results: sensitivity and specificity were 0.86 and 0.75, respectively, with scors 16/17. cronbach alfa%26apos;s for the total scale was 0.91. the pearson%26apos;s coeficient between mdi and hamilton depression scale was 0.56. the factor analisis revealed 2 factors: the first explained 53.9% of variance while the second explained only 13.6%. the test-retest reliability was excellent (with intraclass coeficient correlation between 0.50 and 0.93 for individuals itens and 0.90 for total scale). conclusion: mdi%26apos;s properties showed to be appropriate to apply in the brasilian population, but further studies are necessary.
