
This piece present some thoughts that have emerged from the work carried out with real testimonies from Argentine political emigrants. It is based on the analysis of some of the discursive variations used by the interviewees, their silences, that which they ※forget§, their manner of structuring their memories and all those non-linguistic elements that characterised their communication with the interviewer. There is a special interest in reflecting on how these discursive elements are also a source that can generate meanings on the problem of exile. The analysis of these issues allows us to approach the complexity of the problems that have appeared in recent Argentinean history and the sense overload that encapsulates the concept and identity of the ※exiled§. Este trabajo presenta algunas reflexiones surgidas del trabajo con testimonios orales de antiguos emigrados pol赤ticos argentinos. Se analizan algunas variantes discursivas utilizadas por ellos, sus silencios y ※olvidos§, las formas de estructuraci車n del relato y aquellos elementos no lingu..sticos que caracterizan el encuentro con el entrevistador. Nos interesa reflexionar sobre c車mo esos elementos discursivos son una fuente productora de sentidos sobre el tema del exilio, c車mo ciertos problemas de la historia reciente argentina atraviesan esa experiencia y observar la sobrecarga de sentidos que se tensan en el concepto e identidad de ※exiliado§.
