
background: nowadays, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, in spite of being one of the most preventable forms of cancer. we did not find national data about the frequency of counseling for skin cancer prevention according to the various specialties. objective: the objective of this study was to verify the frequency of counseling for skin cancer prevention by the various specialties in a sample of the population of caxias do sul. methods: a transversal study was performed on 499 people who sought medical care in the dermatology sector of the community programs, each was interviewed and examined. the community programs took place in caxias do sul between january and july 2002. results: only 31.9% (n = 159; ci 27.8 - 36.2) of the individuals who were interviewed had already received counseling for skin cancer prevention by physicians. the high-risk patients with the greatest potential for intervention (patients under 20 years of age) received such counseling at a lower frequency than patients aged 20 years or older (26.5% versus 42.5%, respectively; p = 0.03). the specialty of dermatology was responsible for the majority of counseling on skin cancer prevention in this population. conclusion: the frequency of counseling for skin cancer prevention by physicians is low, even for high-risk patients. the counseling also varies according to the attending specialty; only the specialty of dermatology presented a high frequency of counseling.
